T he first Ghana International Cluster Conference, with the theme "Ghanaian Clusters, A Driving Force for the Economy" was held on June 8, 2022, at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra.

A total of 140 people attended the event in person, with another 80 joining virtually. International cluster experts from Morocco and Spain collaborated with their Ghanaian counterparts to share their knowledge, challenges and experience in cluster development.

Mr. Patrick Nimo, Chief Director of the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI), represented the Minister Hon. John Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanten at the event, other dignitaries were Mr. Timothy Dolan, Team Leader - Macro-Economic and Trade Section of the European in Ghana, Mr. Fakhruddin Azizi, UNIDO Representative in Ghana and Liberia, Dr. Christian Namalguebzanga Kafando, WACOMP ECOWAS Coordinator, Dr. Afua Asare, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA), Mr. Seth Twum - Akwaboah, Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), and others were in attendance.

Selected SMEs displayed their products as a side event.

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